To make TNPDCL synonymous with availability of quality and reliable power at competitive rates.
Historical Background of TNEB
Electricity generation in Tamil Nadu until about 1908 was confined to a few tiny plants in Tea Estates run on water power and to a small hydro electric station at Kattery near Coonoor. The Government Electricity department was created in 1927. The Pykara Hydro electric Power Station was constructed by Sir John G. Henry Howard , a British Engineer and the first Chief Electrical Engineer of the then Composite Madras State Electricity Department and commissioned in 1933 with an original installed capacity of 70 MW. The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board was constituted with effect from 1st July 1957 under the Electricity Supply Act 1948 and came to be known as “The Madras State Electricity Board” with Padma Shri V.P. Appadurai appointed as Chief Engineer (Electricity).
The first thermal power plant was commissioned during 1971 at Ennore, Chennai with its first unit of 60 MW capacity. Naphtha based gas station of 10 MW capacity was commissioned at Narimanam during 1991-92.TNEB simultaneously ventured into wind generation and 120 units with a total capacity of 19.355 MW was commissioned in the period 1986-93. In 1992, the power sector was thrown open for private participation and the first independent power project was established by GMR Vasavi at Basin Bridge, Chennai.
About Us
Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) was formed on July 1, 1957 under section 54 of the Electricity (Supply) Act 1948 in the State of Tamil Nadu as a vertically integrated utility responsible for power generation, transmission and distribution. The electricity network has since been extended to all villages and towns throughout the State. As per the provisions under the section 131 of the Electricity Act,2003 TNEB was restructured on 1.11.2010 into TNEB Limited; Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Limited (TANGEDCO); and Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Limited (TANTRANSCO).
Restructuring of TNEB
In the G.O Ms No 114 dated 08.10.2008, Government of Tamil Nadu has accorded approval in-principle for the re-organisation of TNEB by the establishment of a holding company, by the name TNEB Ltd and two subsidiary companies, namely Tamil Nadu Transmission Corporation Ltd (TANTRANSCO) and Tamil Nadu Generation and Distribution Corporation Ltd (TANGEDCO) with the stipulation that the aforementioned companies shall be fully owned by Government. More...
Restructuring of TANGEDCO
The need for restructuring of TANGEDCO arisen as the distribution operations of the state of Tamil Nadu are huge needs specific concentration and most of the major states have separate distribution companies. Further in order to focus on clean/green energy transition a separate green energy company is warranted. To complete the restructuring process in Tamil Nadu, TANGEDCO is to be unbundled into Thermal generation, Green Energy and distribution companies. In view of the above, Energy Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu vide G.O (Ms) No. 6 dated 24.01.2024 has accorded approval for formation of Thermal Generation Company in the name of Tamil Nadu Power Generation Corporation Limited (TNPGCL) to take over the fossil fuel (coal, Naptha and gas) related generation business of TANGEDCO
. More...
DATA CARD (2023-2024)
The total number of consumers being served in the State as on 31.03.17 is 279.27 Lakhs. Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY) with the goal of creating electricity infrastructure to all un-electrified villages / un-electrified hamlets provide access to electricity to all households. Implementation of RGGVY in 26 districts of Tamil Nadu had already been completed. Further, implementation of the RGGVY scheme in Nilgiris, Tirunelveli and Dharmapuri districts is under progress. RAPDRP schemes are also being implemented to provide quality and reliable power supply to the consumers and to bring down the aggregate Technical and Commercial Losses (AT&C) below 15%.
The total number of consumers being served in the State as on 01.04.24 is 336.82 lakhs
An efficient distribution network is needed for effectively utilizing the energy that is generated. TANGEDCO has an efficient distribution network that has grown over the years.
Commissioning of 230 KV Transmission line
In 1960 TNEB commissioned 173 km long Kundah – Salem 230 KV transmission which was the first 230 KV network in the country
SCADA project
SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System) of Chennai Distribution Control Centre is the first in the country and it remotely controls all distribution substations in Chennai City.
Prestressed Concrete poles
The technology of prestressed concrete was developed in the 1960s. TNEB was a pioneer in setting up a PSC pole yard at Samayanallur near Madurai in 1970.
Power line Carrier Communication (PLCC) in Grid Operation
TNEB is the pioneer in India in introducing PLCC system for its own communication requirements. PLCC system utilizes 66/110/230/400 KV transmission lines as the medium for communication. PLCC provides for limited channels for speech communication, low speed data communication (200 bps) and protection tripping. In 1960 PLCC sets and protection couplers of Brown Boveri Corporation , Switzerland make were put into service in 66 stations.
First state to achieve 100 % Village Electrification
Tamil Nadu is the first state in the country to achieve 100 % electrification of all villages as early as 1992
Power Engineers Hand Book
The Power Engineers Hand Book published by TNEB Engineers Association is well recognized among the practising Electrical Engineers of the country. The Hand Book has its origin in the year 1947. The sixth enlarged version was released in 2002.
Distribution : (As on 31.03.2024)
Lakh Kilometers
Length of LT lines
Per Capita Consumption
Distribution Transformers