General Information
Important Links :
Acceptance of Meters :
- Acceptance of Meters-List of Firms
- Acceptance of Consumer Meters against the non availability of TNPDCL Meters- M/s.HPL Electric & Power Ltd., Gurugram_Approved Meter Sl.No and Retail Outlet Address
- Acceptance of Consumer Meters - Details of retail outlet of the firm M/s.Linkwell Telesystems P Ltd., Hyderabad for sale of consumer meters of Single Phase 5-20A Composite Meters, Three phase 10-60A Composite Meters & LTCT 240V/5A LTCT Smart Meters and Meter Sl.No
- Acceptance of Consumer Meters against the non- availability of TANGEDCO Meters- Details of retail outlet of the firm M/s.Schneider Electric India Private Ltd, Chennai for sale of consumer meters of Three Phase, 4 wire HT 110V/5A TOD DLMS Compliance 0.2s accuracy Static Meters with ABT and Bi-Directional features & Three phase 20-100A Composite meters and Meter Sl.No
Electricity Awareness :
- Handbook on Energy conservation, Electricity Safety and Prevention of Theft in Tamil
- Pamphlet on Energy conservation, Electricity Safety and Prevention of Theft in Tamil
Finance/Tariff :
- Calculation of Monthly and Bimonthly Electricity Consumption charges
- LT assessment pattern - Clarification in tamil
- The basic facts on Tariff Revision in the form of Questions and answer
- Domestic tariff comparison with other states
- Tariff Petition and ARR submitted by TANGEDCO before Hon'ble TNERC
- Miscellaneous petition for filing a comprehensive proposal to overcome the power shortage in the State of Tamil Nadu to enable the lifting of Restriction & Control measures - filed at TNERC
- GO -2 (G.O. regarding the extension of provisional period for transfer of assets and liabilities).
- Restructuring of TNEB - Transfer Scheme
- Restructuring of TNEB - Transfer of employees to TANGEDCO
Circulars / Instructions:
- GO-79 - Collection of Cross subsidy surcharge from HT consumers for the power purchase from outside sources.
- Reliability Charges for HT Consumers
- TNERC- M.P.No.18 of 2012 - Installation of ABT compliant meters by open access consumers
- Caution to public in view of impending monsoon
- TANGEDCO celebrates the National Energy Conservation Day on December 14th and Energy Conservation Week from December 14th to December 20th
- Cable fault location, testing and route tracing services
- Procurement of 1000 MW solar power - Amendment for prebid clarification in page no. 23 and 37
- Procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power - Consortium format
- Procurement of 1000 MW solar power – Draft L/C Format
- Procurement of 1000 MW Solar Power - Draft Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)
- Important theft of energy cases detected during Dec 2011
- Information Regarding Thermal Power Stations tenders
- Photos-Disaster of Thane Cyclone to Electrical Infrastructure