Frequently asked Questions

What can I do for converting my single phase service connection to three phase one?

The connected load has to be grouped in such a way that they are equal in all the three phases totalling to 4 KW & above. The wiring may be reorganized for three phase connection and the area Assistant Engineer/Operation & Maintenance of TANGEDCO may be contacted for further assistance. Consumer may also opt to avail supply under three phase even when the total connected load does not exceed 4000 W.

You may register your complaint to FOC (Fuse Of Call Centre) of your area/ or inform your area Assistant Engineer/ Operation & Maintenance of TANGEDCO or contact centralized call centre of the City. The phone no for Chennai Centralized Call Centre is 94987 94987. Provision for making on line complaints is available under 'reach us ' menu in TANGEDCO website

If you suspect an error like slow recording or speed recording in meter, you can register your complaint here

Visit TANGEDCO’s website. Select bill status, enter your service connection number and your registered mobile number to know the status of billing.

When suddenly meter burns in my service connection, what I should do?

You can register your complaint here to replace the meter .

Yes .You can make an advance payment of your electricity bills at any time you desire. Contact the AE/Inspector of Assessment /Revenue Supervisor of your area Section office of TANGEDCO. The advance paid will be adjusted in your service connection charges in subsequent bimonthly billings.

Visit nsconline portal
Click the menu Apply->Temporary Supply

Payment of Electricity Charges through online for LT Consumers through out Tamil Nadu go to TANGEDCO website(available in both English and Tamil).

At what level, should I maintain the Power Factor?

In case of LT Supply 0.85 Power Factor(PF) and in case of HT supply 0.90 PF has to be maintained

Save-energy1 Energy / Electricity Saved is Energy ProducedSave-energy2 Energy conservation, a key to sustainable developmentSave-energy3 Energy is in limited supply, Use it wiselySave-energy4 Turn off lights and equipments when not in useSave-energy5 Save energy for benefit of self and nation   Save-energy1 Install RCD to safeguard life from Electrical Accidents