Forms & Procedures

- Application form for HT Service Connections(including additional demand)
- Owner consent letter for new supply
- Indemnity Bond from Occupier without the consent letter from owner
- Name Transfer
- Application form for hut service connection
- HT Agreement
- LT Agreement for Industrial/Agricultural Services
- Application form for Agricultural Service connection
- Application form for LT Service connection (Except Temporary supply,agriculture and hut)
- Application form for Temporary supply
- Application form for Solar Service connection

- Procedure for obtaining Domestic/Commercial Service Connection
- Procedure for obtaining Agricultural Service Connection
- Procedure for obtaining LT(Low Tension) Industrial Service Connection
- Procedure for obtaining HT(High Tension) Service Connection
- Electricity Tax for HT Consumers
- Consumer Grievance
- Cable fault locating charges collected by TANGEDCO from other agencies-revised