Citizen Charter

1.0. NEED

We take immense pleasure in re-dedicating ourselves to serve the people of Tamil Nadu by bringing out a Citizen Charter. This Charter sets out the Standards and Quality of services that will be provided by us.


To place before the public an overview of the organization To inform the Citizen about the kind of services that we provide To state the Standards of service delivery


The Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB) is statutory body formed on 01.07.1957 under the Electricity Supply Act, 1948 as a successor to the erstwhile Electricity Department of the Government of Madras. Now, TNEB continue to function as deemed Distribution licensee and Transmission Utility under the Electricity Act 2003.

3.1. Generation

Starting with a modest installed capacity of 156 MW (Mega Watt) with annual gross generation plus purchase of 630 MU (Million Units) at the dawn of independence, the TNEB has grown by leaps and bounds with installed capacity of 10,098 MW as on 31.3.07. The Board gross generation and power purchase during the year 2006-07 was 63,038 MU.

3.2. Transmission and Distribution

TNEB has 185.82 lakhs consumers. The distribution network comprises 1,54,104 circuit kilometers of Extra High Tension (EHT) and High Tension (HT) lines, 5.02 lakhs kilometers of Low Tension (LT) lines, 1148 Sub-Stations, 1,73,053 distribution transformers besides other assets.

As on 31.3.07, 63,956 Towns, Hamlets and Villages have been electrified. In addition, 18.02 lakhs agricultural pump sets and 10,55,705 Huts have been given electric supply. The role of Tamil Nadu Electricity Board in improving the economy of the State of Tamil Nadu by extensive electrification of the villages, large scale energisation of agricultural pump sets and extension of electricity services to poor/backward and downtrodden sections of the society, in addition to extension of supply to large number of industries has been well recognized.

Our commitment to excellence would include a continuous effort to modernize and upgrade not only our tools, plants and machinery but also our most valuable performing assets viz. our human resources.


We are committed to render the highest standards of service to you. This Charter sets out the standards for the various services so as to improve our service to you. It is worth mentioning that these service levels are our maximum response times for important aspects of your electricity service, and that we aim to beat these standards every time we can.

Service Standards (Notified by Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission)
4.1. Effecting of Service Connection
Low Tension Service Connection
Time Schedule for LT
a) Involving no extension or Improvement work
Generally within a week but however not exceeding 30 days
b) Involving extension and improvement without Distribution transformers
60 days
c) Involving extension and improvement with Distribution transformers
90 days

High Tension Service Connection
Time Schedule for HT/EHT
a) Involving Extension & Improvement work
60 days
150 days
b) Involving the enhancement of Power Transformer/Addition of Power Transformer
120 days
180 days
c) Involving the Commissioning of new substation
180 days
270 days

Note: This time schedule is also applicable for additional loads.

In regard to Agricultural Service Connection and Hut Service Connection, directive issued by Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission from time to time on the basis of the guidance by National Electricity Policy and the policy directions by State Government, will be followed.

4.2. Temporary Supply

The intending consumers may require temporary services for construction of residential houses, complexes, commercial complexes, industrial premises and also for illumination during festivals, etc. Such temporary services will be effected as per the time schedule specified for the new and additional loads.

4.3. Shifting of Service Connection/Deviation of Lines and Shifting of equipments
1. Shifting of meter/service : 25 days
2. Shifting of LT/HT lines : 60 days
3. Shifting of Transformer structure : 90 days
The above works will be carried out after remittance of charges due therefore.

4.4. Transfer of Service Connection

The transfer of service connection will be effected within 7 days from the date of receipt of complete application.

4.5. Change of Tariff

Change of tariff will be effected within seven days from the date of receipt of application from the consumer. However no consumer shall be permitted to change the tariff of the service connection from any Low Tension Tariff (other than agriculture) to Low Tension Tariff for agriculture.

4.6. Complaints in Billing, etc.

Any complaints in billing received prior to the due date for payment shall be resolved before the next billing along with refund/adjustments, if any. However, the complaints in respect of arithmetic error if any received three days prior to the due date for payment shall be set right within the due date for payment. The consumer shall not, on the plea of incorrectness, withhold any portion of the amount billed.

4.7. Replacement of Meter

On receipt of complaints or found during inspection/meter reading, that the meter in a service connection is not correct or defective or burnt, the meter will be replaced within 30 days after collecting the charges applicable.

4.8. Interruptions and Restoration of Supply

Supply will be restored as per the time schedule furnished below:

Interruption due to
Power Restoration Time
Urban Municipalities
Hill Area
HT Supply failure
1 hour
3 hours
6 hours
12 hours
Fault in Transformer structure or LT line or Pillar Box
2 hours
4 hours
6 hours
12 hours
Fault of Distribution Transformer
24 hours
48 hours
48 hours`
48 hours
Individual Service Connection fault
3 hours
9 hours
12 hours
24 hours

Complaints of failure/interruption at consumer premises in rural areas and urban areas other than corporation limits will be attended to between 8.00 A.M. and 6.00 P.M.


In our efforts to supply the best possible service, we often have to work on our distribution network to improve it or to connect new consumers. This may result in interruption of your electricity supply. When such interruption is necessary, we will inform you in advance by publishing it in newspapers .


In some instances, we have to disconnect service connection for non payment of electricity charges. Once you have paid the bill along with arrears, if any , we will reconnect the service.


If you have concern or complaint about any of the services we offer, you can make a complaint over phone or in person or through a letter to any of our section offices or sub division offices concerned, which is located nearer to your residence. If you feel that your complaint needs the attention of a higher level officer, you can send your complaint to the Executive Engineer or Superintending Engineer or Chief Engineer concerned or contact them in person in their offices on all working days between 2 PM and 3 PM. You are free to get your grievance redressed by the top officials in the Head Quarters offices viz. Member (Distribution) or Chairman at 144, Anna Salai, Chennai-600 002.

In order to mitigate your hardships, we hold grievance day meeting by the Superintending Engineer concerned once in a month in each division of the circle. We display the date of the grievance day in advance on the notice boards of the division offices. You can also contact any of our offices to know about the grievance day meeting. You will get your grievances redressed at the grievance day meetings.

In all the distribution circle offices, there is a Public Relation Officer, who is attending to your grievances. In addition, there is a Chief Public Relations Officer in the head quarters office at Chennai (Phone No.28520902). They will take up your problems and solve them.

Chief Engineers/Distribution Region are holding conferences with voluntary consumer organizations. If you have a problem common to your locality, say for example low voltage, you can represent them through such organizations. We will study the load distribution in the area and arrange to install additional sub-stations/transformers or strengthen the HT/LT lines to improve voltage.

Consumer Grievance Redressal Forums ( Framed as per the Tamil Nadu Electricity Regulatory Commission Regulation) are formed and functioning in every distribution circle office. Consumers may approach these forums for redressal of their grievances.

Computer based power failure redressal call centres are functioning at Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai, Trichy and Erode. Consumers can register their power supply failure complaints by dialing a 4 digit number 1912 from anywhere. Address of the consumer is retrieved at this call centre from the computer data base on the contact phone number of the consumer. Complaint of the consumer is registered in the computer and complaint number is given to the consumer.


We will continue to invest in our networks and improve our work methods. It is worth reiterating that our aim is to beat the standards every time we can. We value you as a customer.


  1. Please make your payments well in advance to avoid long queues.
  2. Please protect your energy meter from damage.
  3. Inform us when the meter is stuck up or burnt out or when there is a damage.
  4. Electricity is precious. Please do not waste or misuse it.
  5. When the EB Officials come over to your premises for inspection, cooperate with them to carry out their duty.
  6. Please renew worn-out wiring in order to avoid accidents.
  7. We try to minimize shut downs and break downs. However please remember that they are unavoidable. Please bear with us during such emergencies.
  8. Please help us to bring down break downs by cutting trees and bushes near power lines.
  9. Your energy meter is a sensitive instrument. Please do not over load it by connecting unauthorized loads.
  10. In spite of our best efforts, power cuts and load shedding may be unavoidable at times.
  11. Please do not allow unqualified persons to meddle with your gadgets.
Save-energy1 Energy / Electricity Saved is Energy ProducedSave-energy2 Energy conservation, a key to sustainable developmentSave-energy3 Energy is in limited supply, Use it wiselySave-energy4 Turn off lights and equipments when not in useSave-energy5 Save energy for benefit of self and nation   Save-energy1 Install RCD to safeguard life from Electrical Accidents